5 Shocking Facts About African Wildlife That You Didn’t Know

5 Shocking Facts About African Wildlife That You Didn’t Know

African Wildlife

5 Shocking Facts About African Wildlife That You Didn’t Know

Watching a fight between a crocodile and a zebra, having tuskers running after your jeep – these are only a few of the spine-chilling experiences you can get on your African safari. Wildlife in Africa is so diverse and incredible that it attracts thousands of tourists every year. Also, it acquaints you with some shocking animal facts. An African safari is a blend of nature and wildlife, but the amount of knowledge you take back is jaw-dropping. Here are a few animal facts about wildlife in Africa that you probably did not know:

Giraffes Have Blue Tongues

Along with many unusual features like taller legs and longer necks that can’t reach the ground, giraffes are also equipped with blue tongues. Since their tongues are always out to feed themselves, blue tongues protect the giraffes from the rays of the sun. This is the beauty of wildlife in Africa – the body parts of animals play a crucial role in protecting them.

An Ostrich Can Cover 40 Miles in One Hour

Don’t be surprised if an ostrich manages to defeat your African safari jeep while covering the longer miles as they are fleet, strong runners and can cover 40 miles in one hour. This is possible because they have elasticity in their joints, allowing them to run at super high speeds. Additionally, their tendons store and give out energy.

Lions Sleep for 15-20 Hours

Be it in real life or in the movies – lions are often shown as energetic and ferocious. They hunt their prey like there is no tomorrow, and if you are lucky enough, you might get to see a lion hunt during your African safari. However, to hunt through the day with unmatched energy, lions sleep for 15-20 hours every day. So you are more likely to come across a sleeping lion during your trip than an active one.

Baby Elephants Suck Their Trunks

Wildlife in Africa can surprise you with their habits and behaviour, for many of them are human-like. You might have seen babies sucking their thumbs; likewise, baby elephants suck their trunks for comfort. Such animal facts make you think how similar humans are to animals in certain aspects.

Wild Dogs Regurgitate Their Food for Pups

You are definitely going to find wild dogs during your African safari. The shocking fact is that their stomachs are so large that they can store enough food required for long travels and even regurgitate it for their pups since the pups and packs can’t hunt together.

An African safari is the best way to learn more such animal facts, which can be interesting for your project or just to gain knowledge. If you are all for acquiring deep knowledge, then the wildlife of Africa is waiting for you! Book your slot with Bushman Safari – we have the best plans for you that will make your experience memorable.

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