9 Things to Know Before You Go on an African Safari

9 Things to Know Before You Go on an African Safari

African Safari

9 Things to Know Before You Go on an African Safari

There are a few things on everyone’s bucket lists. Be it climbing Mount Everest, spending hours at the sight of the giant Niagara Falls, or going on an African Safari. Although not every dream or item on the bucket list can be fulfilled, an African Safari is one of the most breathtaking experiences. Here are 9 things to know before you go on an African Safari.

1) Find the Best Time to Visit for an African Safari

Before you can set out on a journey of a lifetime, it is wise to find out which safari you will be attending and when. The wildebeest migration is an amazing sight to behold and for that, you will have to arrange your journey between June to October. If it’s a safari in Uganda, June-September, January and February are the best times.

2) Stock Up Medicines and Get Vaccinated

Depending upon which country you are visiting and the safari you will be attending, you must get vaccinated and stock your medications before heading out. Take medications to counter common health issues like malaria and other illnesses.

3) Wake Up Early

Imagine you are about to start your safari the next morning. You gotta wake up early not just because you will get a lot of time to cherish the beauty of the nature around, it is also because there’s a high chance that you will spot wildlife animals in the early morning because they are more active early in the morning.

4) Ask Questions

Curiosity helps in discovering something new. Your guide probably knows everything you’d ask so don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as they strike your head. Be it the chances of spotting animals or certain species, their behaviour, what they eat, and so on. It goes without saying, you should ask questions to the guide but not bombard him out with too many of them.

5) Take Your Time To Enjoy

Most of the people who go on an African safari are likely to go just once in a lifetime. To enjoy life to the fullest, take all the time you have to do different safaris, stop your car to spot animals, and ask your guides questions. You will be stunned to check out mating, chasing, fighting, and watching wildlife animals in their natural habitat.

6) Follow the Rules

Unlike the usual sentiment that rules are meant to be broken, you must obey the rules put upon by the park’s administration and the guide. Rules prevent you from putting your life in danger. The basic rules of an African safari include not getting out of the car, feeding, and disturbing the animals.

7) Pack All the Essentials

If it’s your first time on a safari, you must know what to carry i.e. the essentials. Sunscreen, a safari hat, simple clothing with non-bright colours, chapstick, sunglasses, anti-mosquitoes and bug spray, water bottles, and something to eat in case required.

8) Take Your Binoculars

While most people have phones and cameras, binoculars are essentially an oomph factor on a safari. Of course, it doesn’t capture photos, but you will be attuned to watch faraway animals up close and shimmer into the moment without constantly tapping that ‘capture photo’ button on your phone.

9) Don’t Carry Too Much

You are on a safari to feel in the moment and watch the wildlife animals and the scenic beauty of the jungle. Having too much weight in your bags will definitely put a lot of strain on your back and might even ruin the fun you’d otherwise have if you’d cut back on non-essential items in your bag.

Going on an African Safari can be an exciting event, just make sure you keep these 9 points in mind.

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